Angus on the Other Side tells us, "You were assigned Angels, but if you knew more about them, it would add to your soul so to speak, where you would feel more protection." That is the purpose of this Guardian Angel image. Your Guardian Angel walks with you throughout all of your life, protecting you from harm and also from your own fears.
Fear is strong but love is stronger, and that is exactly why God assigned you Guardian Angels. Their gaze is constantly fixated on you so in moments of sadness, regret and worry, they envelope you in love which is the White Light of the Holy Spirit. It is also when they infuse you through thought, to help you see your goodness, your virtues and strengths, all meant to pull you from the depths of sorrow and fear.
God would never let you come into life alone and unprotected. Remember God walks with you through your Guardian Angel, always loving, comforting and protecting you.
Angus (on the Other Side) also teaches that every time you see the Guardian Angel image, it registers in your subconscious mind, like a physical affirmation of its abilities and presence in your life. This visual reminder strengthens your connection with your Guardian Angel, making you more aware its there, and likely to utilize its special abilities.
This is why I create this art and Vera relays Angel information from Angus. From our heart to yours, we pray you remember to call on your Angels for help on your life path.
💙Christina and Vera💜
Guardian Angel
Prints are 9" x 12" image on 11" x 14" white cardstock paper. Color canvases are stretched over a wood frame with a 1 and 1/2 inch gallery wrap.