Dear Vera Letter Questions

1 Letter Question
Letter Questions are for BRIEF answers to SPECIFIC questions.
(This service is not intended to be a full reading! At this point and time, there is no follow-up to letter questions.)
For nearly three decades, I have utilized my intuitive abilities to guide clients through major life decisions, such as relationships, health, personal life, career, finances, family, and spiritual. Frequently there is a past life affecting your current life and I am able to tell you the past-life origin or cell memory to help you release the negativity that you may be carrying.
I utilize my God-given gift of heightened intuition and connection with the Other Side to answer your specific Letter Questions.
The answer you receive from me should be personally activated upon. I can tell you the options you have in your *Life Chart but you must take responsibility and activate on the information.
Because of lateral movement in our life, determining the timing of events can be challenging when it involves two or more people.
* Vera does not take missing persons or homicide questions.
A Message from Vera:
Due to the overwhelming and amazing success of Letter Questions, it is taking a bit longer for you to receive your answers. Thank you for your patience and support!
Many Blessings Vera 💜
Fill out the form below. Include your question in 50 words or less and BE SPECIFIC.​ The more specific the question, the more specific the answer (No missing persons or homicide questions).
This service is intended to be a brief answer -this will not be a full reading. Clarification questions are welcome. ​​​
Vera will audio record your answer and email you the dropbox link within 21 business days.